Lahore to Khanewal Train
Several people travel from Lahore to Khanewal for various purposes. The distance between these two cities is 298.1 kilometers which is approximately a 4hr and 58 mins journey by road. One of the main transportation services used by people to travel is the train. Traveling via train has its own perks, you can enjoy countryside views and train ticket prices are very economical,So you don't have to spend too much just to travel from one city to another. There are multiple trains traveling from Lahore to Khanewal. You can choose the one with all the facilities you want on And if you want more information you are at the right place. Mentioned below are full details of train services operating from Lahore to Khanewal.
Lahore to Khanewal Train Timing
Multiple trains are traveling from Lahore to Khanewal on a daily basis.Lahore to Khanewal train timings vary from train to train. It's really important to know the departure and arrival time of the train so you can schedule your trip around that and won't face any inconvenience at the last minute.Every train traveling from Lahore to Khanewal make multiple stops at different railway stations so it's important to know all these details before planning your trip.
Take a look at Lahore to Khanewal train timings in the table mentioned below.
(NOTE: timing may vary so make sure to check out the live timing while booking your ticket on Bookme app and website)
Train Name | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Allama Iqbal Express | 12:00 | 16:55 |
13:50 | 18:25 | |
Pak Business Express | 15:30 | 19:30 |
Musa Pak Express | 16:00 | 20:25 |
Khyber Mail | 07:50 | 13:00 |
Karakoram Express | 16:00 | 20:30 |
Karachi Express | 17:00 | 21:05 |
Jaffar Express | 14:40 | 19:50 |
20:35 | 12:05 |
Lahore to Khanewal Train Ticket Price
Lahore to Khanewal train ticket price depends on the train service and the facilities they are providing. Trains operating from Lahore to Khanewal have different classes and compartments and they all have different amenities like AC, separate washroom, meals, and sleeping berths. Most of the trains have economy seats, economy berths, AC business class, and AC sleeper class. You can browse all this information on and select everything according to your preference and budget. The train ticket price from Lahore to Khanewal starts from 800/-PKR.
Check out the train ticket prices of all the trains operating from Lahore to Khanewal in the table below.
(NOTE: prices may vary depending on the route of your travel so make sure to check out live prices on
Train name | Economy seat | Economy berth | AC business | AC standard | AC sleeper |
Allama iqbal express | 800/-PKR | 850/-PKR | _ | _ | _ |
Tezgam express | 900/-PKR | 950/-PKR | 2000/-PKR | 1300/-PKR | 3600/-PKR |
Pak business express | 900/-PKR | 950/-PKR | 2000/-PKR | 1300/-PKR | 2600/-PKR |
Musa pak express | 850/-PKR | 700/-PKR | 1,050/-PKR | 1200/-PKR | 1100/-PKR |
Khyber mail | 800/-PKR | 850/-PKR | 1600/-PKR | 1300/-PKR | 2400/-PKR |
Karakoram express | 1100/-PKR | 1150/-PKR | 2250/-PKR | 1500/-PKR | _ |
Karachi express | 900/-PKR | 950/-PKR | 2000/-PKR | 1300/-PKR | 2600/-PKR |
Jaffar express | 950/-PKR | 1000/-PKR | 2000/-PKR | 1300/-PLR | 2600/-PKR |
Green Line | 1050/-PKR | 1100/-PKR | 2350/-PKR | - | - |
Lahore to Khanewal Train Booking
Booking a train ticket is a very time consuming and overwhelming task. Checking out all the options at the railway station, asking their price, getting to know the routes and stops, all these inconveniences can be avoided by simply getting an e-ticket. offers e-ticketing service through which you can browse all the available options, select everything according to your preference and get a ticket within minutes at the comfort of your home. You can also pay for your e-ticket by online sources like easypaisa, jazzcash, debit/credit card and bank transfer.