{{ seats.seatPlan.time.departure_slug }} - {{ seats.seatPlan.time.arrival_slug }}
{{ convert24To12Hr(seats.seatPlan.time.time) }}
RS {{ seats.seatPlan.time.fare * seatsData[0].seats_ids.split(', ').length }}

Lahore to Sargodha Bus Service

The distance between Lahore and Sargodha is about 198.8 kilometers, which can be covered in 2 hours and 41 minutes if you travel by road. Sargodha is a small town located in Punjab province, Pakistan. Several people travel from Lahore to Sargodha and vice versa, so this route is quite busy. Multiple bus transportation companies provide services on this route, so you will find plenty of options and time slots where you can travel easily to Sargodha any time you want. Lahore to Sargodha bus services operate 24/7, and you can browse all the bus timings, ticket prices, and much more on Bookme. 

Lahore to Sargodha Bus Ticket Price

Many reliable bus services, like Daewoo Express, provide travel services from Lahore to Sargodha. All the bus services have different ticket prices, so it's better to browse all the ticket prices prior to booking your ticket and get the best deal. The Lahore to Sargodha bus ticket prices start from 1,150/- PKR. Given below is the price table for the Lahore to Sargodha bus; take a look. 

(NOTE: ticket prices vary often so always check live prices first before booking your ticket.)

Lahore to Sargodha Bus 

Ticket Price

Daewoo Express 

1,150/- PKR

Lahore to Sargodha Bus Timing

Lahore to Sargodha bus only takes about 3 hours to reach its destination so there are many bus services which operate more than 10 times a day on this route. Which makes it easier for you to book tickets anytime you want. You can take a look at the Lahore to Sargodha bus timings table mentioned below, or you can visit Bookme for a detailed bus schedule. 

(NOTE: bus timing might change.)

Lahore to Sargodha Bus 

Bus Timing

Daewoo Express 

05:00 AM

Daewoo Express 

06:00 AM

Daewoo Express 

09:00 PM

Daewoo Express 

10:00 PM

Lahore to Sargodha Bus Booking

Bookme not only offers economical ticket prices, but you can also search for any bus company you want, choose everything according to your preference, and get your bus booking within a few minutes. You can get Lahore to Sargodha bus bookings by visiting the website or downloading the Bookme app. Enter your travel details, and you will have an e-ticket after making the online payment. Payment methods include JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit cards, and bank transfers.