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Lahore to Sialkot Bus Service
The distance between Lahore and Sialkot is 132.2 kilometers. Both Lahore and Sialkot are located in the Punjab Province of Pakistan and are separated by a 2-hour and 5-minute drive. As there are several people traveling back and forth from Lahore to Sialkot, many bus transportation companies provide services on this route. You can easily find a bus at any time of the day. Lahore to Sialkot bus services are available at Bookme, and you can book seats at economical ticket prices. All the details regarding the Lahore-Sialkot bus service are mentioned below, so take a look and book your tickets right away.
Lahore to Sialkot Bus Ticket Price
In order to get cheap ticket prices, it is important that you browse all the available bus services operating on that route. Bookme has made it easier for its customers to get cheap ticket prices in one go. The Lahore to Sialkot bus ticket prices start at 1,040/- PKR. For more assistance, we have mentioned detailed Lahore to Sialkot ticket prices in the table below.
(NOTE: check live ticket prices on Bookme.)
Lahore to Sialkot Bus | Ticket Price |
1,040/- PKR |
Lahore to Sialkot Bus Timing
Bus timings might vary as all the bus services operating from Lahore to Sialkot have their own set schedule. You can check out the Lahore to Sialkot bus times in the table mentioned below, or you can visit Bookme for the latest updates on bus timings.
(NOTE: bus timings might vary so check live timings on Bookme.)
Lahore to Sialkot Bus | Bus Timings |
Daewoo Express | 05:00 AM |
Daewoo Express | 08:00 AM |
Daewoo Express | 10:00 AM |
Daewoo Express | 02:00 PM |
Daewoo Express | 07:00 PM |
Lahore to Sialkot Bus Booking
Get any bus booking you want within a few minutes through Bookme. You can download the Bookme app or get Lahore to Sialkot bus bookings directly from the Bookme website. Bookme offers multiple online payment methods, including JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit cards, and bank transfers. Book your tickets now and get ready for a comfortable ride.