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Lahore to Taunsa Sharif Bus Service
Taunsa Sharif is the capital of the Taunsa district. The distance between Lahore and Taunsa Sharif is 460.1 kilometers. For a long-distance journey like this, many people opt for a safer and cheaper mode of transportation, like traveling by bus. The Lahore to Taunsa Sharif bus service covers this distance in approximately 6 hours and 30 minutes. If you are planning to travel from Lahore to Taunsa Sharif and want to know all the information about bus services, their ticket prices, and the bus booking process, you have come to the right place. Below, you will find comprehensive details to assist you in your travel planning.
Lahore to Taunsa Sharif Bus Ticket Price
Many bus services are currently operating on this route, but they all have different ticket prices. So if you are planning to go to Taunsa Sharif and want economical ticket prices, you should take a look at the Lahore to Taunsa Sharif bus ticket price mentioned in the table below.
(NOTE: ticket prices vary quite often so always check live prices on Bookme.)
Lahore to Taunsa Sharif Bus | Ticket Price |
2,130/-PKR |
Lahore to Taunsa Sharif Bus Timing
There are usually three to four buses operating daily from Lahore to Taunsa Sharif. The timetable of every bus depends on the bus transportation company you choose to travel from, so it might vary. But to make it easier for you, we have gathered all the available Lahore to Taunsa Sharif bus timings in the table below.
(NOTE: timing might vary.)
Lahore to Taunsa Sharif Bus | Bus Timing |
Silk Line | 10:00 AM |
Silk Line | 08:00 PM |
Silk Line | 10:20 PM |
Lahore to Taunsa Sharif Bus Booking
Bus booking can be quite hectic, especially if you don't get the tickets for your preferred time. But now you don't have to face this inconvenience because Bookme is the only platform you need to get Lahore to Tuansa Sharif bus bookings. Enter all the travel details, and departure and arrival cities with the date of your travel, and select the bus service, timing, and ticket prices of your choice. Pay for your ticket through online payment methods like JazzCash, Easypaisa, debit/credit card, and bank transfer. After that, you will shortly receive a ticket confirmation notification, and your booking is done.